Sunday 21 October 2007


The Chinese utilize the spirit of flowers to enhance your fortunes and wellbeing. The power of flowers is used to balance the yin and yang in our lives. They are used to direct and channel energy to help us achieve our goals.

Some feng shui tips on using flowers:

  • To enhance your wealth try placing yellow flowers in a gold/yellow vase in the west direction of your home or office.

  • To raise your power of concentration use blue and purple flowers on your desk.

  • To sleep better at night try a vase of babies' breath, stock, and sweet pea.

Flower power

Here are some enhancing qualities of certain flowers deemed auspicious:

Peony: The peony is called the 'Flower of Riches and Honour' in Chinese. It is the emblem of love and affection, as well as being a symbol for feminine beauty. The bright red peony is particularly auspicious, bringing with it luck and good fortune. It is a symbol of spring and renewed life.
Orchid: The orchid is the Chinese symbol of love and fertility, a perfect token for weddings.
Lotus:This flower represents four virtues in the Buddhist religion as well as being the cornerstone of Asian flower culture. Sutras say the closed inner petals and open ring of outer petals of the lotus blossom represent four virtues: scent, purity, softness, and lovliness. Narcissus:Other common names of this joyful flower are daffodil and jonquil. These symbols of spring represent change and end of hibernation, and are perfect for spring weddings.
Chrysanthemum: Represents ease, happiness & sit or sleep. Use like bamboo under a sloping ceiling or in a corner.
Rose: Linked with beauty. White for clarity, red is protective but promotes pettiness unless used in the South, yellow is for intellectual pursuits, and pink attracts love.
Tulips: The paragon of love. Red is the "heart on fire", as well as devotion. Yellow & varigated instill the courage to fight for loved ones. Best in the Southwest & East for good luck.


I was rather fascinated at the innovation of Madam Chan (pictured above). She came up with the idea of using a specially made plastic mould to hold a plant in place for a transparent container and then place fish in it. She tells me that the fish can live in the water without using an air pump but instead a packet of oxygen emitting crystal-like substance need to be placed at the base of the container to facilitate breathing for the fish. I am told that the crystallised jelly last for about 4 months and cost about RM 4.00 a packet.
Why not give it a try? It can be a water feature with plants and fish. Good idea, really!!! Want to buy the mould and the jelly? Her shop is along Jalan Kuala Kangsar in Ipoh. So go look for it.


See the above picture? You got the cute lady on the beautifully decorated bed just like the Bollywood movies for a wedding scene. But where is Shah Rukh Khan? Heh! Heh! Heh! It is just me wanting to have my picture taken sitting on such a bed which was displayed in one store along Jalan Kuala Kangsar in Ipoh.
Today I would like to talk about Feng Shui for the bedroom. Do you know that the position of the bed is very important from a Feng Shui point of view. It makes a great difference in the quality of life of the person who sleeps there. If a person sleeps in a position that is unfavourable for a long time, he/she will be visited by problems such as loss of respect, poor health, etc.
Here are some of the tips that I got from browsing around.
  • The ultimate position for a bed is to have the person sleeping in the bed able to see who’s coming into the room, have a solid wall behind their heads, and not be in line with any doors coming into the bedroom.
  • The best headboard position is up against a solid wall with no windows or doors along that wall. The people in bed have a clear view to the door, but are not in line with it.
  • If you have a situation where your bed cannot be placed in a great position, cure it. If your bed is in line with the door, hang a crystal somewhere between the bed and the door to disperse the fast chi. That would be a leaded glass crystal as opposed to a natural quartz one by the way.
  • Never have your bed positioned in such a way that you sleep with your head or feet pointing directly at the door.
  • The best position for a bed is where they have a view of the door.
  • The bed should have a solid wooden headboard.
  • Wooden beds are better than metal beds because metal beds are said to be conductors of electromagnetic fields.
  • Do not place a bed under a window or under a beam or roof joist.
  • Do not have a TV or computer in the bedroom.
  • Keep your beds in a position that provides a solid wall behind you for support. Using this position puts you in visual command of the space, and allows you to face life directly, both literally and symbolically.
  • Remove clutter, excess clothes, books, papers etc. from your bedroom. Don't just remove the clutter to another room, get rid of it from your home.
  • Storing things under the bed can be a recipe for hidden obstacles in your relationship. As you clean out from under your bed visualize old problems clearing away and new energy nourishing your relationship.
  • To build self esteem and ensure a solid foundation for your life and relationship, move your bed to the most commanding position in the bed chamber. This would be with the widest view possible of the room and as far as possible from the door. Visualize these attributes manifesting in your life as you place the bed.
  • To avoid bad dreams or insomnia make sure to place the bed against a wall, preferable a solid wall and not under a window as the flow of energy over your bed will make you feel unsafe and unsure of things in your life. If there is a window then use a blind or heavy drape to solidify the wall.
  • Add more support into your relationship by attaching a headboard to your bed. • While doing any of the cures mentioned always visualize the end result of what you are trying to create in your relationship.
  • To make a new start in your relationship, get a new bed, as good of quality as you can afford. A bed is a powerful symbol for fresh opportunities for the inner and outer realms of your life. For maximum benefit, replace your bed when you move or when a major relationship ends in your life. Avoid second hand beds as they carry chi from previous owners.
  • Do not place the element of water in your bedroom, in the form of fountains or pictures as its presence represents a loss of money or a loss of relationship. Mirrors also represent flowing water and are not a good idea to place in the bedroom. If you have one, angle it to face a door rather than the bed itself and if it does face the bed cover it with a piece of fabric at night. A mirror facing a bed is often cause of a happy relationship gone sour, sometimes by the entrance of one or more outside parties coming into the relationship.
  • If your bed is positioned under a beam, which symbolically splits the bed in two, either move the bed or tent the bed with fabric to solve the problem.
  • Always keep closet doors and bathroom doors closed in the bed chamber.
  • If there is a ceiling fan in the room, paint a red dot on the top of each of the paddles to remove the cutting energy that it creates. If it hangs in the middle of your room, paint a yellow dot on the side not visible from the floor with the intent of bringing good health to yourself and/or your partner. Use the same method on a light fixture that is attached to your ceiling.


Thursday 18 October 2007


Since this is the rainy season, you will be able to easily carry out this wealth ushering method. All you need is a basin to collect rain water that has not fallen on to the ground. Put the basin on a stool/chair or any high place to collect the rain water. When the basin is full, cover it with a piece of black cloth. Then for the next seven days, it must be consecutive, spill the water onto the wealth corner of your house. This will help to boost wealth luck.
For directions on how to locate the wealth position, please click here.

Wednesday 17 October 2007


If we were to watch Kung Fu movies or series about Chinese deities, we would see some of the characters using the Wu Lou or Gourd as a water or rice wine holder and also as an object to contain evil. In Feng Shui, it represents longevity, vitality and good health and is said to absorb illness.
The best place to put the Wu Lou or Gourd is in your living room. It is believe that in such a position it helps to keep your home free of illness. Many people in China will hang them in their living room window. According to Taoist beliefs, it is believed to be filled with the nectar of health and vitality. The God of Longevity, Sau Sing, carries a staff at the end of which is a bottle gourd said to contain the elixir of immortality. Traditionally, the gourd was used as a water container. Travellers would keep water or rice wine in gourds plucked from trees, dried and hollowed out. This may be the reason that the gourd became a symbol of health, the “giver of health and vitality.”
The Bottle Gourd or Wu Lou has a small mouth but large body. It is believed that it has the effect of preventing bloody mishaps. When hung its potency is greater and if hung at the door of a shop, it helps to preserve a tranquil atmosphere and also usher in wealth luck.
Feng Shui practitioners consider the Bottle Gourd or Wu Lou as a very important symbol of good health. Having a Wu Lou around the house suggests that the home is blessed. A vase shaped like a bottle gourd is often used in Feng Shui to endow a home with special blessings and a long life for its occupants. Sometimes a miniature bottle gourd charm or pendant is worn to ward off pernicious influences and accidents and assure longevity.
According to some Feng Shui masters, when ones luck is down, he/she can wear a small black coloured Wu Lou as a locket. It has the effect to absorb all the negative qi and improve ones luck. They also believe that wearing the Wu Lou can help to intensify the personal qi of those who are in conflict with Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter. Another function of the Wu Lou is as a amulet for self-protection against negative qi. Therefore, wearing it to funerals and to visit the sick in hospitals will help ward of negative vibes from those places. Hanging a Wu Lou by the bed of a restless child will help to quiet it down. It is also used when to counter the effects of beams in a room. After reading this, I'm sure you'd want to get a Wu Lou. Right?


In the Feng Shui world, mandarin ducks are considered symbols of romance. Yup!!! The male in particular is sought after for its colourful plumage.The mandarin duck mates for life, and legend has it that if it gets separated from its mate, it will keep longing for the other half and die of loneliness. It is this tale of strong love and fidelity that inspired the use of the images of these birds as Feng Shui enhancers that improve relationships and love.
You can place these figurines in the Nien Yin corner of your bedroom, house or even your office. If you are not sure which is your Nien Yin corner, then try placing them at the southwest position of the living room or the southwest direction of the bedroom beside the bed. You must remember that the male duck (Yuan) is on the left while the female (Yang) is on the right. the placements of these ducks in thebedroom would boost romance luck. In Chinese Mandarin Ducks are referred as Yuan-yang (鸳鸯). The Yuan-yang are regarded as a symbol of conjugal affection and fidelity.
A Chinese proverb for loving couples uses the Mandarin Duck as a metaphor: "Two mandarin ducks playing in water" (鸳鸯戏水). The Mandarin Duck symbol is also used in Chinese weddings, because in traditional Chinese lore they symbolize wedded bliss and fidelity. In reality, though, the ducks find new partners each year.


I have been really angry and upset by recent news about children being abused. There are beasts in human form who would not give a second thought to doing unthinkable things to innocent, defenceless children. In today's newspaper, there is a report of a paedophile who is at large somewhere in our region. Somewhat gives me the creeps that such a fella is lurking around getting ready to pounce on little children for his sick pleasures. It is therefore my plea to parents and other adults to really keep an eye on your little ones. They are your most precious gifts from God. I do not want to read another similar report like that of Nurin Jazlin who was tortured and sexually abused before her battered body was found.
I am pictured above with some of the boys at the Rumah Harapan in Sitiawan. Some of these children were abandoned by their parents while some are orphans. Thank goodness there are people kind enough to run this house of hope to help these unfortunate children. I couldn't do much for them but just bought them some food and other stuff. Hopefully, there are others who after reading this would want to do something for them. My friends, Nyana, Grace, Lai Yoong and I are planning on holding another gathering for the children soon. We had one in the middle of the year.

Friday 12 October 2007


Today is the second day of the Festival of the Nine Emperor Gods. I went with my mum and aunt to the Tung Tien Kung temple in Pasir Puteh to offer prayers to the deity. Of course, we made sure not to eat any meat before going to the temple. Some devotees go on a nine day vegetarian diet during this festival. Besides not eating meat, the devotee has also to abstain from carnal pleasures and impure acts and thoughts as well.

Here is information about this festival that I sourced from Wikipedia:

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival (Chinese: 九皇爺 pinyin:jiǔhuángyé, Hokkien (Min Nan): Kow Ong Yah, Cantonese: Kow Wong Yeh) is a Chinese festival to celebrate the return from heaven to earth of the Nine Emperor spirits, who are worshipped as one deity known as Ma Zu, Ma Tzu or Tian Hou (Chinese: 妈祖/天后), literally means Queen of Heaven who represent health, wealth and prosperity. The festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth moon in the Chinese lunar calendar. Devotees flock to the temples throughout the country for this religious festival.
The Nine Emperor Gods are part of a spirit-medium cult known locally as Jieu Hwang Yeh. These Nine Deities are believed to dwell in the stars in heaven under the reign of Tian Hou.
On the eve of the ninth moon, temples of the deities hold a ceremony to invoke and welcome the Jieu Hwang Yeh. Since the arrival of the Nine Emperor Gods is believed to be through the waterways, processions are held from temples to the sea-shore or river to symbolise this belief. Devotees dressed in traditional white, carrying joss sticks and candles, await the arrival of their Excellencies.
A carnival-like atmosphere pervades the temple throughout the nine-day festival. During this period of time, the constant tinkling of a prayer bell and chants from the temple priests are heard. Most devotees stay at the temple, eat vegetarian meals and recite continuous chanting of prayer. It is believed that there will be rain throughout the 9 days of celebration.
The ninth day of the festival is its climax. A procession which draws scores of devotees send the deities back home (a waterway such as river or sea).

Thursday 11 October 2007


We all know how an elephant looks like, right? Well, since it is such a huge animal, and it is known that this animal has the power to absorb water in abundance it is used as a feng shui enhancer for wealth. As water in Feng Shui terms symbolises wealth, therefore the image of the elephant would have similar ability to absorb wealth luck. For wealth luck, place an elephant figurine by any window in the house where there is a body of water, eg. swimming pool, sea, river, in order to usher in wealth.
Furthermore, as the elephant is a tame animal, keeping its image in the house would create a comfortable and calm atmosphere for all the family members.


The Yuen Bao or Chinese ingots are considered very auspicious symbols of wealth and fortune. It is used as a feng shui activator in homes to usher in wealth. Some feng shui masters would advise their clients to position the gold ingots in the wealth sector of the house to attract abundance and success.
To maximise success luck, we should position the yuen bao ingots in a row to symbolise success in a row or simultaneous success. This positioning of the ingots would help to usher in wealth luck and also absorb wealth from all directions. It also applies to those who want to pass their examinations with great honour and for those who want to advance in their careers.
Where to put the ingots? You must place them carefully to get the best effect. Some of the best places to put them would be the study desk, the altar for the house deity or the work desk at the office. As mentioned earlier, the wealth position of the house is another suitable position.


One way to ensure that wealth accumulated does not easily flow out would be to hang a gold abacus (don't really have to be real gold, just gold painted would do) at the entrance and exit doors of the kitchen. This is one way to ensure that the family wealth is retained.

Tuesday 9 October 2007


Here is an inexpensive and simple way to usher in good fortune or wealth. All you need is sea salt. You need to use three grammes of sea salt. The salt must first be kept in a plastic bag before keeping it in a bag made of cloth. You can sew it yourself or buy them from any of the gift or accessories shops. After you have done the above, you just need to keep the cloth bag in a brief case or your pocket. Ladies can also put it in their handbags. Ah yes, before I forget, you must change the salt in the bag once every month.
Here is another wealth ushering method using salt. First you have to get four plastic bags. Into each plastic bag, put 3 grammes of salt. You can use ordinary everyday salt. After having done that, place each bag into the four corners of a room. The salt in the bags must be changed once a month. This will help to usher in wealth luck and also to ward of negative energies.

Monday 8 October 2007


The Chinese who are either Taoists or Buddhists would usually hang a red banner at the top of their main door when they are moving into a new house. But do you know that besides the red banner, there are some ultra kiasu people who would like to get the maximum benefit from this particular red occasion by also hanging a pair each of garlic bulbs, red radish and also twelve pieces of Chinese leek on either side of the main door/entrance to the house. All the foodstuff mentioned above signifies limitless earning power and endless counting of money earned.


Trees, bushes, and thick plantings surrounding a house can be used as a substitute for a mountain or hill to shore up energy which would otherwise flow away. Planting a hedge or even placing a row of potted plants can help keep the qi on the property and close to the people dwelling in it. According to Feng Shui belief, it helps improve both the health and finance of the occupants.
Many Malaysians have heard stories of certain trees possessing spirits and the need to be very careful in terms of what type of tree is planted in their compounds and whether or not it should ever be uprooted. There is this belief that a tree in front of a door will block qi and bring bad luck. Dead or dying plants should be removed as soon as possible. The banana tree is one plant which quite a number of Malaysians believe to attract ghosts. I am pictured with a banana plant that is planted by my neighbour. The fruit and flower of this plant had decided that they wanted to be on my side of the house. My mum says that it'd bring good luck.


The above picture shows my nephew, Jeremy, helping to replace the light bulb for the lantern in my mum's house in Ipoh. A few years back, both my parents became very, very ill. My dad was diagnosed with end stage renal failure and also suffered from three strokes. That same year, my mum was also very sick.
I was actually very, very desperate and tried all sorts of things. My cousin sister even brought along a Feng Shui master that they always referred to. He had recommended that we change the entrance to our home from the Southwest to the South. That would actually entail a lot of money as it would mean knocking down an entire wall. As my sisters and I had used a lot of money for my parents' hospital and medical bills, we were really wondering if it would be feasible to do so. Besides, we were not sure if it would really work. However, my dad who was a believer in Feng Shui insisted that it be done and we had to abide by his wishes. We had gotten the contractor to give us an estimate and also got the Feng Shui master to choose a suitable date. Unfortunately, my dad succumbed to his illness on the second day of the Chinese New Year in 2003. After his death, my mum's condition worsened and she went in and out of hospital for 9 times.
My godmother, who had gone with me to visit my mum in hospital, asked to go have a look at my home to see if there was anything which had brought about such misfortune to my family. For your information, my godma is well-versed in Feng Shui. After looking around, she told me that the steel rods supporting the awning were like poison arrows aiming at my house. I had told her about the Feng Shui master's suggestion but she came up with another solution and that is to instal two red lanterns and have the lights on 24/7 (the whole day). That would be able to contain the negative qi from the poison arrows. Believe it or not! After having done that, my mum recovered and she makes sure that the lights are on all the time. She has a spare of a dozen light bulbs in the house to replace any one of the bulbs in the two lanterns hung in front of my house.


I am sure that many Malaysians are familiar with this tree but might not know its name. It is called Mambu or Bambu in Malay. The Chinese refer to it as the chicken pox tree. Neem as the Indians call it has been used in India since 2000-4000 BC, and was referred to in ancient Indian texts as "the curer of all ailments".
All parts of the Neem tree were used - the leaves, twigs, and oil from the nuts. Neem trees (Azadirachta indica) are cherished in India, where they are considered good luck. Since India’s Neem trees were used so extensively, Neem trees were affectionately referred to as "the village pharmacy". Even today, Neem is a key herb used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine.
The Indians believe that the Neem Tree is a manifestation of the Mother Goddess Kali. In the southern part of India, Neem is worshipped intensively.
Tamil women who worship the Goddess Kali dress in red, carry branches of the Neem tree and dance in public places swishing the branches as an act of exorcism and also to purify the world. Throughout southern India neem trees are grown near Goddess temples. It is the same for Indian temples here in Malaysia. You will also see this tree grown in the compounds of Malaysian Indians who are of the Hindu faith.
Neem is hung on doors to keep evil spirits out and also to usher in good luck, or placed in a room with a newborn baby to protect the infant from harmful spirits. The Hindus incorporate neem into their everyday lives. The leaves are scattered on temple floors during wedding ceremonies. At death, neem branches are laid over the body in Kali's cremation grounds, the smoke of burning neem protecting both the living & the dead from evil spirits.
Neem is regarded by the Indians as a cure for sundry diseases on the same basis that it repels evil spirits, which is to say, on the level of faith. It is thus hung on the doors of sick persons, or curative baths with neem leaves in the water, or powders & extracts or the leaves themselves taken internally. To be used properly, a specific holy festival day needs to be chosen, with specific rituals & prayers as prelude to the treatment, or it may not work.
After reading about all the positive things that the Neem does for us, why not go and get some and hang them around your house. Besides ushering in good luck, every bit of the neem plant can be used to heal specific diseases - be it the bark, the roots, the leaves, the seeds, the flowers or the stem.
For more on this wonder plant, please click on to the following web address:

Friday 5 October 2007


This is the month of Ramadhan and our Muslim friends are on a month long fast. Actually, the Muslim concept of fasting is a noble thing as it teaches them tolerance, patience as well as compassion. The idea of how it is like to feel the hunger that the less fortunate are doing. I am told by my Muslim friends that they get pahala (merits) for keeping to their fast. I tried it out for two days and managed to do so. Actually, it was rather fun on the first during the berbuka puasa tucking into all the delicious food that I bought from the Pasar Ramadan. The second day I did it, I broke fast with my two students, Fydo and Khairil at a Malay hawker centre, ,Uncle Zam. Other days, I go and have my meals with my friend and colleague, Grace (or recently bestowed the title Mrs Edmond). I must admit that going out with Grace for meals during this time is also very enjoyable. We have a fine time tucking into the Indian, Chinese and Western food available. Today we got our sustenance from McDonalds. As Grace has Mr Edmond to hug she volunteered to snap the photograph of me who had to be satisfied with just hugging Ronald McDonald. Kee! Kee! Kee!

Wednesday 3 October 2007


This post is in reponse to a request by Ng who wrote in to ask me to write about career advancement. What I have done is to gather some of the information that I found from other web sites, edit them and then post them here. So read on …

One of the first Feng Shui tips for career advancement and improvement is to place an item in a space at work where there is water, such as a fountain, aquarium, or even a vase of flowers, or you could even use the water symbol, something like a painting of a river or stream, or a collection of seashells. Another option would be to use the colour black or mirrors, which are Feng Shui symbols. By doing this, you will find that your life has better flow. Additionally, more and better opportunities will present themselves to you.
Remember when working with Feng Shui tips for career advancement that you need to place the item consciously, intending to place it there purposely for helping you with new direction. With this, you will find that improvement or advancement occurs much quicker. This path is called Gua, which opens your eyes to new things. In addition, another Feng Shui tip for career is that a front door is usually associated with career path. As an example, if the door sticks, it could indicate that you are “stuck” in your current position, if the door is never used, you might be overlooked for promotions, or if the door is dirty, then you are missing an opportunity to shine at work.
Another Feng Shui tip for career advancement or improvement is that be sure you use the colours black, blue, white, and mirrors, as mentioned. In this case, you could hang a mirror by the door of your office or in your cubicle. If you have an office door, be sure nothing is blocking it. Other elements of Feng Shui that you could use for work include water and metal. Other Feng Shui tips for career include:
For career, learn your Sheng Chi direction and be sure you are facing that way at work by placing your desk accordingly.
Never sit with your back to a door or window, which provides you with no support. This could lead to double crossing or backstabbing.
Take a painting without water features to work, hanging it behind your worktable.
Use potted plants as a means of camouflaging offending pillars that can shoot out poisonous arrows.
Since the north represents career and north is both water and the color blue, place a metal wind chime in the northern most section of your office or workspace. Just be sure you never use earth or wood elements in the north.
Finally, our last Feng Shui tip for career improvement is to think about your home with these same rules. Most importantly, the bedroom needs attention since we spend one-third of our lives in that particular room of the house. Keep an eye for features that could create dangerous “SharQi”, which is killing breath.

The element of the career area on the bagua is water. Place a water fountain or aquarium near the career area to enhance the flow of career energy and improve luck. The colour of the career area is black, so place a symbol of the new desired career in the destiny and career area of the home. If it is a picture, place it in a black frame. If it is an item, place a black ribbon around it, if it is a different colour. Hang a wind chime in the career area to call in a new job to your view. A picture of a mountain in the career area represents an upward climb. Place a turtle or picture of a turtle in the career area because turtles represent longevity and tenacity. All of the opportunity of the Universe comes to you through the front door, and that may be located in the career area. Make sure that it is clear and free of debris.


The title of this blog Shuang Xing Fu (雙 幸福) is the han yu pin yin or romanised version for double happiness. Personally, I feel that one of the most important pursuits in life is to attain happiness. Imagine how bleak life would be if everyday is filled with negative feelings like sorrow, grief, bitterness, hatred and anger. That is why Feng Shui has an important role to play in helping us to be in an environment with positive energy which would result in a happy and condusive atmosphere for everyone living there.

Today I will talk about the aspect of health having a bearing on our general wellbeing. If one is always sick then it would most definitely result in a 'down in the dumps' feeling. Sometimes, the place where one lives or works might actually have a negative effect on our health. We could be living in a place with a lot of poison arrows or that the illness star for the year is residing the the place that we are usually working or resting. One advice is to check the annual stars to see which star is residing in which sector. This year the number 2 star is at the central palace which would indicate that this is a year which is plagued with illnesses. Also people who are always around this place would also most probably not be feeling very healthy.

Besides the stars, another thing that effects our health would be the food and drinks that we consume. We all know that too much salt, sugar and oily food would be harmful to our bodies. So the best is take things in moderation.

Now, I would like to highlight the use of natural herbs to help us to become healthier. You don't really need to go to the Chinese medicinal shop or the Pharmacy to buy the processed herbs. Just buy them fresh from the market or grow them in your garden. Many of the vegetables sold in the market are herbs with medicinal properties. Instead of eating lecithin for constipation, why not try ladies fingers or okra.

The vegetable pictured above is the Ceylonese Spinach or Remayung in Bahasa Melayu. This vegetable is good for constipation. It is also purported to help lower high blood pressure. There are other medicinal uses for this plant. If you are interested you can drop by at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung to visit our Herb Garden. We have more than a hundred herbs in our garden and I have also a lot of information about the herbs in the library. Remember, health is wealth and good health will mean general wellbeing.