Friday 5 October 2007


This is the month of Ramadhan and our Muslim friends are on a month long fast. Actually, the Muslim concept of fasting is a noble thing as it teaches them tolerance, patience as well as compassion. The idea of how it is like to feel the hunger that the less fortunate are doing. I am told by my Muslim friends that they get pahala (merits) for keeping to their fast. I tried it out for two days and managed to do so. Actually, it was rather fun on the first during the berbuka puasa tucking into all the delicious food that I bought from the Pasar Ramadan. The second day I did it, I broke fast with my two students, Fydo and Khairil at a Malay hawker centre, ,Uncle Zam. Other days, I go and have my meals with my friend and colleague, Grace (or recently bestowed the title Mrs Edmond). I must admit that going out with Grace for meals during this time is also very enjoyable. We have a fine time tucking into the Indian, Chinese and Western food available. Today we got our sustenance from McDonalds. As Grace has Mr Edmond to hug she volunteered to snap the photograph of me who had to be satisfied with just hugging Ronald McDonald. Kee! Kee! Kee!

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