Wednesday 3 October 2007


The title of this blog Shuang Xing Fu (雙 幸福) is the han yu pin yin or romanised version for double happiness. Personally, I feel that one of the most important pursuits in life is to attain happiness. Imagine how bleak life would be if everyday is filled with negative feelings like sorrow, grief, bitterness, hatred and anger. That is why Feng Shui has an important role to play in helping us to be in an environment with positive energy which would result in a happy and condusive atmosphere for everyone living there.

Today I will talk about the aspect of health having a bearing on our general wellbeing. If one is always sick then it would most definitely result in a 'down in the dumps' feeling. Sometimes, the place where one lives or works might actually have a negative effect on our health. We could be living in a place with a lot of poison arrows or that the illness star for the year is residing the the place that we are usually working or resting. One advice is to check the annual stars to see which star is residing in which sector. This year the number 2 star is at the central palace which would indicate that this is a year which is plagued with illnesses. Also people who are always around this place would also most probably not be feeling very healthy.

Besides the stars, another thing that effects our health would be the food and drinks that we consume. We all know that too much salt, sugar and oily food would be harmful to our bodies. So the best is take things in moderation.

Now, I would like to highlight the use of natural herbs to help us to become healthier. You don't really need to go to the Chinese medicinal shop or the Pharmacy to buy the processed herbs. Just buy them fresh from the market or grow them in your garden. Many of the vegetables sold in the market are herbs with medicinal properties. Instead of eating lecithin for constipation, why not try ladies fingers or okra.

The vegetable pictured above is the Ceylonese Spinach or Remayung in Bahasa Melayu. This vegetable is good for constipation. It is also purported to help lower high blood pressure. There are other medicinal uses for this plant. If you are interested you can drop by at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Seri Manjung to visit our Herb Garden. We have more than a hundred herbs in our garden and I have also a lot of information about the herbs in the library. Remember, health is wealth and good health will mean general wellbeing.

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