Sunday 21 October 2007


The Chinese utilize the spirit of flowers to enhance your fortunes and wellbeing. The power of flowers is used to balance the yin and yang in our lives. They are used to direct and channel energy to help us achieve our goals.

Some feng shui tips on using flowers:

  • To enhance your wealth try placing yellow flowers in a gold/yellow vase in the west direction of your home or office.

  • To raise your power of concentration use blue and purple flowers on your desk.

  • To sleep better at night try a vase of babies' breath, stock, and sweet pea.

Flower power

Here are some enhancing qualities of certain flowers deemed auspicious:

Peony: The peony is called the 'Flower of Riches and Honour' in Chinese. It is the emblem of love and affection, as well as being a symbol for feminine beauty. The bright red peony is particularly auspicious, bringing with it luck and good fortune. It is a symbol of spring and renewed life.
Orchid: The orchid is the Chinese symbol of love and fertility, a perfect token for weddings.
Lotus:This flower represents four virtues in the Buddhist religion as well as being the cornerstone of Asian flower culture. Sutras say the closed inner petals and open ring of outer petals of the lotus blossom represent four virtues: scent, purity, softness, and lovliness. Narcissus:Other common names of this joyful flower are daffodil and jonquil. These symbols of spring represent change and end of hibernation, and are perfect for spring weddings.
Chrysanthemum: Represents ease, happiness & sit or sleep. Use like bamboo under a sloping ceiling or in a corner.
Rose: Linked with beauty. White for clarity, red is protective but promotes pettiness unless used in the South, yellow is for intellectual pursuits, and pink attracts love.
Tulips: The paragon of love. Red is the "heart on fire", as well as devotion. Yellow & varigated instill the courage to fight for loved ones. Best in the Southwest & East for good luck.

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