Sunday 21 October 2007


See the above picture? You got the cute lady on the beautifully decorated bed just like the Bollywood movies for a wedding scene. But where is Shah Rukh Khan? Heh! Heh! Heh! It is just me wanting to have my picture taken sitting on such a bed which was displayed in one store along Jalan Kuala Kangsar in Ipoh.
Today I would like to talk about Feng Shui for the bedroom. Do you know that the position of the bed is very important from a Feng Shui point of view. It makes a great difference in the quality of life of the person who sleeps there. If a person sleeps in a position that is unfavourable for a long time, he/she will be visited by problems such as loss of respect, poor health, etc.
Here are some of the tips that I got from browsing around.
  • The ultimate position for a bed is to have the person sleeping in the bed able to see who’s coming into the room, have a solid wall behind their heads, and not be in line with any doors coming into the bedroom.
  • The best headboard position is up against a solid wall with no windows or doors along that wall. The people in bed have a clear view to the door, but are not in line with it.
  • If you have a situation where your bed cannot be placed in a great position, cure it. If your bed is in line with the door, hang a crystal somewhere between the bed and the door to disperse the fast chi. That would be a leaded glass crystal as opposed to a natural quartz one by the way.
  • Never have your bed positioned in such a way that you sleep with your head or feet pointing directly at the door.
  • The best position for a bed is where they have a view of the door.
  • The bed should have a solid wooden headboard.
  • Wooden beds are better than metal beds because metal beds are said to be conductors of electromagnetic fields.
  • Do not place a bed under a window or under a beam or roof joist.
  • Do not have a TV or computer in the bedroom.
  • Keep your beds in a position that provides a solid wall behind you for support. Using this position puts you in visual command of the space, and allows you to face life directly, both literally and symbolically.
  • Remove clutter, excess clothes, books, papers etc. from your bedroom. Don't just remove the clutter to another room, get rid of it from your home.
  • Storing things under the bed can be a recipe for hidden obstacles in your relationship. As you clean out from under your bed visualize old problems clearing away and new energy nourishing your relationship.
  • To build self esteem and ensure a solid foundation for your life and relationship, move your bed to the most commanding position in the bed chamber. This would be with the widest view possible of the room and as far as possible from the door. Visualize these attributes manifesting in your life as you place the bed.
  • To avoid bad dreams or insomnia make sure to place the bed against a wall, preferable a solid wall and not under a window as the flow of energy over your bed will make you feel unsafe and unsure of things in your life. If there is a window then use a blind or heavy drape to solidify the wall.
  • Add more support into your relationship by attaching a headboard to your bed. • While doing any of the cures mentioned always visualize the end result of what you are trying to create in your relationship.
  • To make a new start in your relationship, get a new bed, as good of quality as you can afford. A bed is a powerful symbol for fresh opportunities for the inner and outer realms of your life. For maximum benefit, replace your bed when you move or when a major relationship ends in your life. Avoid second hand beds as they carry chi from previous owners.
  • Do not place the element of water in your bedroom, in the form of fountains or pictures as its presence represents a loss of money or a loss of relationship. Mirrors also represent flowing water and are not a good idea to place in the bedroom. If you have one, angle it to face a door rather than the bed itself and if it does face the bed cover it with a piece of fabric at night. A mirror facing a bed is often cause of a happy relationship gone sour, sometimes by the entrance of one or more outside parties coming into the relationship.
  • If your bed is positioned under a beam, which symbolically splits the bed in two, either move the bed or tent the bed with fabric to solve the problem.
  • Always keep closet doors and bathroom doors closed in the bed chamber.
  • If there is a ceiling fan in the room, paint a red dot on the top of each of the paddles to remove the cutting energy that it creates. If it hangs in the middle of your room, paint a yellow dot on the side not visible from the floor with the intent of bringing good health to yourself and/or your partner. Use the same method on a light fixture that is attached to your ceiling.


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