Monday 8 October 2007


The above picture shows my nephew, Jeremy, helping to replace the light bulb for the lantern in my mum's house in Ipoh. A few years back, both my parents became very, very ill. My dad was diagnosed with end stage renal failure and also suffered from three strokes. That same year, my mum was also very sick.
I was actually very, very desperate and tried all sorts of things. My cousin sister even brought along a Feng Shui master that they always referred to. He had recommended that we change the entrance to our home from the Southwest to the South. That would actually entail a lot of money as it would mean knocking down an entire wall. As my sisters and I had used a lot of money for my parents' hospital and medical bills, we were really wondering if it would be feasible to do so. Besides, we were not sure if it would really work. However, my dad who was a believer in Feng Shui insisted that it be done and we had to abide by his wishes. We had gotten the contractor to give us an estimate and also got the Feng Shui master to choose a suitable date. Unfortunately, my dad succumbed to his illness on the second day of the Chinese New Year in 2003. After his death, my mum's condition worsened and she went in and out of hospital for 9 times.
My godmother, who had gone with me to visit my mum in hospital, asked to go have a look at my home to see if there was anything which had brought about such misfortune to my family. For your information, my godma is well-versed in Feng Shui. After looking around, she told me that the steel rods supporting the awning were like poison arrows aiming at my house. I had told her about the Feng Shui master's suggestion but she came up with another solution and that is to instal two red lanterns and have the lights on 24/7 (the whole day). That would be able to contain the negative qi from the poison arrows. Believe it or not! After having done that, my mum recovered and she makes sure that the lights are on all the time. She has a spare of a dozen light bulbs in the house to replace any one of the bulbs in the two lanterns hung in front of my house.

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