Monday 25 November 2013


A garden is defined as a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation and enjoyment of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made materials. In its most common form, known as a residential garden, it is found adjacent to or near to a residence, and it functions as an outdoor "room". 
By the definition given above, what I have is a residential garden. You can see pictures of my garden posted here. For countless times, I have declared my love for gardens surrounded by flowers and greenery. That is why I have filled the compound of my house with plants .  Each morning, when I open my door to go to work, I see my plants and similarly when I come home from work, the first thing to greet me are my plants.
My Aunt Linda who is also a plant lover says that she spends lots of time pottering in her garden as she loves to be with her plants.  Looking at them makes her happy.  Well, this goes for her niece as well. 
The bonus for me is that I have a herb garden at the college and that gives me immense pleasure and joy.

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