Monday 16 July 2012


My nephew, Keefe, was in Ipoh last weekend for the Century Ride Event.  The Ride was on Sunday 15 July.  He came in a group of 16 from Singapore.  However, I only managed to bring Keefe and his buddies, Wei Wen and Shaun around.
When the 3 young men heard that I had an appointment with Rose for acupuncture at 4.00 p.m., they gamely asked if they could give it a try.  Wow!  They are brave and adventurous, aren' t they?
Thankfully, my appointment for the last for the day and Rose obliged by fitting the 3 of them in.  
 Here you see Rose checking Shaun's pulse before she actually stuck any needles into him.
 Yeah!  The first needle is in and he did not scream at all.  Bravo!
 Another needle.

 Wei Wen complained of numbness in the left leg and Rose explained to him that there was the possibility of trauma to that leg that he was not aware of.
 Now it is Keefe's turn to be checked.

 In goes the needle.  My nephew did not wince at all.  Brave boy!

 Two needles in.
 Rose explaining to Shaun and Wei Wen how to apply the Moxa stick on Keefe's back to ease his back pains.
 The treatment is called moxibustion
 The Moxi stick is placed about an inch above the area, not too far yet not too close.


Pak Oncu said...

di mana alamat tempat akupuntur ini ???

Miss Cheah said...

Ipoh Garden East

Pak Oncu said...

ok thank u ,,,,

lilorain said...

Hi, I found your blog while searching for acupuncturists in Ipoh on Google. Do you mind passing me Ms. Chong's contact info, I have been considering treatment as well but have been told that costs could be prohibitive.

Thank you.


Frances said...

Through blog posts like these which promote acupuncture, people will begin to embrace its benefits and try it out as well through places such as the Synergy Institute.