Thursday 15 September 2011


Whenever I encountere any spirit disturbances or something that makes me feel uneasy, I'd head straight to a temple.  My godmother taught me to do this as she said that the power of any supernatural beings or evil forces would be much lessened, if not annulled at such a holy place. 
As I had mentioned that one of my female students had seen a scary apparition which means that the presence of such a being would have brought forth a lot of negative energy to the surroundings and the people in it.  That was why I went to the Hindu Temple in Sitiawan to perform some prayers.  The priest there helped me to put a Tilak on my forehead.  For your information, a Tilak or Tilaka is a mark worn on the forehead and other parts of the body.  This mark symbolises the third eye, associated with many Hindu deities.  It represents spiritual enlightenment.

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