Monday 19 September 2011


The lovely depiction of Hotei or the Laughing Buddha is by Mr Michael Moore.  He and members of his family are regular visitors of my blog and I was sent this as a gift.
Now this is truly something very auspicious for me.  Firstly, Hotei is carrying a large gold nugget in one arm and has a string of coins slung over His right shoulder.  He is also sitting on a pile of gold coins and there are gold nuggets strewn everywhere. To the right of the Laughing Buddha is a sack of treasure.  Yeh! The Wu Lou or drinking gourd with a red string tied to activate it symbolises good health. Then there are the Chinese characters for happiness, double happiness, health and gold.  See how sweetly Hotei is smiling.  With this gift, I have received so much blessings.  Thank you Michael.  May you and your family have good health, happiness and plenty of love in return.

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