Tuesday 20 September 2011


I blogged about the damaged Patawali Plant in my school recently and it really pained me to see such a handsome plant go to waste.  Yesterday morning, I managed to get hold of the teacher in charge of the herb garden, Mr Shahidan and asked if we could save the plant from the roots that were left.  He said it could be done.  Thank goodness for that.
Next, I went into full operation to harvest as much of the vines from the plant as possible.  The vines are used as traditional herbal medicine to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and fever.  My assistant, librarians and I had been working since morning to cut the vines and keep them in boxes.  We will be drying them when the weather is sunny.  Then we will keep the herbs in the library and give them to those who request for them.  So, nothing goes to waste.

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