Sunday 24 April 2011


A recent photo of Selina
The young lady in the picture above is Selina Jen.  Last year, she was injured in an explosive accident which resulted in her suffering third degree burns.  She had to undergo skin grafting procedures for the parts of her body which were burnt.  Most Chinese entertainment sites give updates and reports of her progress.  From what I have read so far, it seems that even with the treatment, Selina will never be what she used to be before the accident.  The other two members in the group that she belongs to S.H.E., Hebe and Ella keep insisting that they would be waiting for her to recover to perform as a trio.  Though many would wish in our hearts that Selina would be able to do so, most would know that it would be quite impossible.  It is such a sad situation, isn't it?
Selina Jen before the accident
Nevertheless, those who know Selina should not give up hope on her.  They should keep praying that she will be able to recover enough to lead a normal life.  There is this saying that "when God closes one door, He opens another".   Or at least opens a window.

To read a recent article about Selina, please click this link.

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