Wednesday 14 April 2010


The score for their second match.  They lost 11 - 46.
The score for their first match, 24 to 58.
My cagers working real hard to earn match points.

Me (the team manager) with Miss Ng who was the chaperone for the team. 
Believe me, my basketball team will not stand a chance to win a match against the students from the Chinese schools as the Chinese boys have been living and breathing basketball from young.  Some of my players picked up the game when they came to the school in Form 4. 
However, I am really proud of them today as they played their hearts out today.  They jolly well knew that they were up against formidable opponents but they never gave up even until the very last moments of the matches. Besides, ours was the only team with all Malay students playing the game.   I had told the boys from Day 1 that their participation in the district level basketball tournament that they were there to learn and to gain experience.  I reminded them that sportsmanship must be maintained and one of the lessons they should learn from the play is sports etiquette.  After all, winning isn't everything, learning IS.

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