Tuesday 20 April 2010


I wanted to share the story about the generosity of Hawaiian Clarissa Moore, one of the top ranked women sufers in the world.  After winning her second ASP tour last Thursday, this 17-year old donated her entire $15,000 earnings to the local Waitara Bar Boardriders Club, a place where more than 180 kids hang out in a safe environment and are groomed in all things ocean related. The club, which is staffed by an small army of volunteers, does wonders for keeping those kids out of trouble.
Clarissa should be taken as a role model for youngsters (and the older ones too) the world over.  I think part of what she is should be attributed to her upbringing.  Years ago when her dad, Chris Moore, was asked during an interview about what the biggest struggles in raising an athletic prodigy of sorts. He quickly put his daughter's talents in perspective by listing the only two things he cared about: Carissa having fun with her surfing and doing well in school.  He said, "I'm trying to raise a good human being, not a good surfer."  Well, Mr Moore has succeeded in raising a compassionate and generous young lady .  Three Cheers to the Moores.

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