Tuesday 20 April 2010


My mum and aunt were very excited about me buying a house and as a treat I drove them to Sitiawan during the weekend to have a look at the place.  As the door was locked and I will not be handed the keys to the place until my loan is passed, we could only take a peek through the glass door.  Nevertheless, the two ladies managed to get an idea of the place as there was another lot where the sliding door was not locked. 
Now I am worried about how long it takes for the loan to be approved and how long can I get the grill, water, electricity and lighting to be fixed.  My main concern would be that it might take more than 6 months and the new owner might want to move in.  If that happens then I would have to find temporary lodging near the place before I can settle in.  Arggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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