Wednesday 14 April 2010


My mum is posing with some black wu lous which are on sale at a Feng Shui boutique.  We actually hang a lot of these wu lous in our house as we know of the power that they possess.

The black onyx wu lou  is revered for its power to overcome accidents, uncover and protect against evil attempts, prevent bad intentions, arrest bad luck and healing/curative properties. It is also particularly powerful to fight stress and depression, rejuvenate self-confidence and stimulate analytical capabilities.

Wu Lou has many uses as cure and enhancer:

1. Display a wu lou in any part of your homes (as many as you can afford) to create good health and bring in good fortune and dissolving negative energy (chi).

2. Display or hang two wu lous on both sides of the bed to heal ailments/sickness and rejuvanate the energy of sick people to quicken recovery.

3. Display or hang a wu lou in the bedroom (or by the bed) to ensure any health problems is prevented. Prevention is better than cure!

4. Display a wu lou in the kitchen to activate health luck for the family as it ensures only healthy food is produced in our kitchens which is the source of health for the family.

5. Display the wu lou in the east sector of our living rooms, family rooms and dining for good health of the entire family.

6. Wu Lou is an excellent gift for old people during their birthdays to wish them long life, good health and longevity.

7. Displaying a wu lou at the desk or at your workplace ensures bad chi which could harm you be dissolved.

8. Hang a wu lou in your car to prevent accidents and absorb any poison and killing chi. It prevents dirty energy from sticking to your car or follow you home too.

9. Display a wu lou at where you spend most of your time if there is a series of bad luck exerted on you. It will absorb bad energy (chi) and turn it into good fortune to you.


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