Sunday 28 March 2010


Besides members of my own family and my close friends, I usually do not do Feng Shui audits for people as I am not a professional Feng Shui master.  Furthermore, geomancy is not my bread and butter, teaching is and I need to devote my time and energy to my students and the school since I am paid to do so. 
Unlike professional Masters who might have the knowledge at their fingertips, I need to do some research and also to refer to my sifus whenever I attempt to do an audit.  I usually take about a week or so to come up with some answers. 
Some of you might have noticed from the exchange of messages in the chatterbox that I am doing so for two persons who have asked for help as I feel that their case warrants me to make an exception. Both are because of health reasons that threaten their wellbeing.  I cannot not help when given such a situation.  I would not sacrifice my time to look at a person's Bazi, the Feng Shui of their house and other Feng Shui related factors if they were to write in to ask me to audit their house because they want to become rich or successful.  They can go and find experts who are more than willing to help for a substantial fee, of course.  Believe me, I have people emailing me or approaching me to audit the Feng Shui of their homes. They have even asked me to quote a price for the service.  Time and again, I have always refused.

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