Sunday 28 March 2010


My mum hired someone to cut the jujube tree in her garden as the branches were touching the electric wires and the plant was beginning to overwhelm the house. 
What you see in the above picture are the new branches that have grown from the trunk of the tree.  This is manageable and now it is beginning to flower and in no time bear fruits.  My mum would monitor the tree and once it grows too big, she'd get it trimmed.  This is important because big solid trees are most dangerous from a feng shui viewpoint.  It would be worse if the trunk directly blocks the main door and obstruct the clear view of a “bright hall” when one opens the front door.
My mum's tree does not block the front door and so she just makes sure that it gets a trim once in a while so that the energy of the tree will not overwhelm our house and drain our wealth and energy.

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