Thursday 25 March 2010


There is a place called Devil's Gate in Wyoming, America.  You can see the rock formation in the picture above.  However, this is not the Devl's Gate that I am blogging about today.  Instead, I am referring to the Northeast sector of the house which is referred to as Devil's Gate in Feng Shui.  There will be some Feng Shui masters from the old school who would advise against buying

There are some old school Feng Shui masters that tell their  clients that Northeast facing houses are not good because this is the  the gate for evil forces to enter the house (and also the earth).  Since the Northeast is the Devil's gate, the Southwest which is the corresponding direction is the Devil's Backdoor or "backgate" of the evil forces.

That is why the Feng Shui masters would tell their clients to avoid planting too many plants outside the Northeast and  the Southwest plants (especially large ones) are places where spirits like to take refuge. 

However, there are those who follow the Flying Star Feng Shui and the Kua Numbers who do not consider both these directions unlucky.  According to Flying Star Feng Shui, in Period 8, Southwest facing houses are especially lucky. 

Aiyah!  Feng Shui is soooooo complicated, isn't it?

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