Wednesday 24 March 2010


Xiao Xiao Bin the child actor has really stolen a lot of hearts.  The drama "Autumn Concerto" is dubbed as the little boy's debut.  And what a debut.  Judging by the people who have written about him and those who have posted comments about him, it can be seen that he has become a little idol. 
Similarly the actor who plays Xiao Xiao Bin's daddy in the drama, Van Ness Wu has also grabbed the attention of the viewers who have been following it religiously.  I guess they must've have been impressed with his superb physique.  So far I still have only watched 3 episodes of it as I am very, very busy with work.  My friend, Sew Hoon, who watched it said it's good and that is why I hope to find time to finish watching the whole show to enjoy the chemistry between the little idol and the big idol.  Unlike, Sew Hoon, I prefer to watch the big idol more.  Heh! Heh! Heh!

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