Friday 13 November 2009


People in the corporate world have calling cards or businees cards. The card is the most important element of a person's visual identity. Here is a collection of cool business cards that are taken from Business Cards flickr pool and Ads of the World.
Rubber band adverts
Hairclip design for make-up artist
Die-cut design
Cutting edge design
Cat tail design
Funky shape
Fun topography
Card decorated with a bit of wool
3D Plastic Card
In the form of a mini map

Dental Floss insert

Some people believe that business cards with good feng shui can improve business, increase profist as well as attract more clients, better employees, excellent advisors and mentors.

Business cards with bad feng shui can create a lot of pressure, frustration, unforseen problems and difficult obstacles.

How then do we know when a business card has good or bad feng shui?

Here are some pointers to followr to take into consideration:

  1. Principles of Yin and Yang - working in line with nature's principles to bring more harmony and prosperity into business. Yin and Yang Balancing principle advices that for things and people to work in perfect order, they must be in balance. Conflict is to be avoided at all cost. The design of the business card must be in harmony with the logo in order to add value to customers and the business.
  2. Personal element according to your date of birth - According to feng shui, our surrroundings consist of 5 elemetns: Wood, Fire, Earth, Water and Metal. An individual's personal element can be identified from the date of birth.
  3. Business element - In Feng Shui, each type of business can be classified into one element. Those in the furniture, publishing and education belong to the wood element.
  4. Supporting and Weakening cycles of 5 elements - all 5 natural elements interact through a supporting and weakening cycle. Example, metal holds water while water feeds wood. A balance between your personal element and the element of your business is essential for a good feng shui business card design.
  5. Colours and Shapes - Each element is represented by certain colours and shapes. Knowledge of this is useful when creating your own auspicious feng shui logo or choosing the colour for your business card. For example, metal is represented by white, gold, bronze, chrome, silver and round shape. The shape of the element can further help you to select the best feng shui font for the card.
  6. Placement of the important information - Where you place important business information on your business card is crucial to your success. For instance, if your name appears at the bottom row of your business car, you may find yourself shouldering a lot of unnecessary stress and problems. You work hard but get not much gain.

Reference: The Feng Shui & Astrology Tabloi8d. 1st November 2009. Vol. 14

1 comment:

Waseem said...

these are awesome design for business cards..i wish to design Metal business cards that look like that.