Friday 25 September 2009


This is how a plate of well-made bingka pandan looks like. Of course, the person who made them must have done it hundreds of time and that is why it looks so good.
Anyway, here is the recipe that I translated from Bahasa Melayu to share with you:
Ingredients for 1 Tray
220 grams of sugar (don't use too much sugar as this is bad for health)
4 eggs
215 grams cornflour
50 grams custard flour
140 grams butter (melted)
60 grams santan powder
1/2 a tin of condensed milk
850 ml of water
80 ml pandanus juice (5 pandan leaves blended with 80 ml of water)
50 gm of sesame seeds
A few drops of green colouring
1. Mix all the above ingredients except the sesame seeds
2. Blend until the mixture becomes smooth
3. Pour into a tray that has been greased
4. Bake for 1 hour in 180 degrees Celcius heat
5. After 1/2 an hour sprinkle the sesame seeds on the surface and continue baking.
6. Remove from the oven and cut into pieces before serving.

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