Wednesday 3 December 2008


Yesterday, I did a post about the Corn Plant or Tit Shu in Chinese that my neighbours have newly acquired. Even after I let the husband read the article I found from the Internet that this plant is a risky bet as it can bring either auspice or inauspice to a household, both she and her husband did not believe me. She still insisted that the plant that I have is the one that is bad. Moreover, she said that if it was good then the good luck from my plant would also blow towards her house and they will get the benefit as well. Very funny! I told her that if it was in my house, of course its effects would be for the one in residence and not the neighbour. Then she challenged me by saying that if it is so lucky then I should bet on my car number. Exasperating, isn't it?
This morning when I woke up, I found two pots of corn plants in my neighbour's house instead of one. Hmm .... that meant they did not believe a single word I said yesterday but instead took the words of their friend who operates a noodle store in Sitiawan.
Sad, isn't it? After spending a whole morning searching the Internet to get the information for them and all my efforts came to nothing. I guess they think that the teacher living next door to them is only good at teaching English language and nothing else. Sigh! Sometimes, I give a big sigh when they tell me that they have invited this sifu or feng shui master to audit their house and then pay quite a sum of money for the service. If they had asked me, I could have done it for them as well and they'd save their money. I see mirrors being put up and also paper charms and what nots after each consultation. One of the masters that they consulted even went as far to say that the tail of the porcelain elephant in their neighbour's house is the reason why they are not winning any numbers recently. I wonder what school of Feng Shui that 'master' is a follower of to come up with such a colourful explanation.
Know what? I will take up my neighbour's challenge and pun RM1.00 on my car number today. If I win, then my neighbour will ask me to give her cuttings of my species of corn plant. Wish me luck!

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