Sunday 10 August 2008


In Buddhism, the idea of karma is something like one's intention or motivation while doing an action. It is something like 'you get what you give' or "you reap what you sow". In other words whatever you do intentionally to others, a similar thing will happen to yourself in the future. In one word, this is called reciprocity!

A few of my librarians and I have been helping to feed and care for the cats of my colleagues who were away for a week. The husband had to attend a course in Penang and the wife to present a Paper in an education seminar in Mauritius. When my friends, Rosli and Mashitah asked me if I could help them, I said okay and that I'd get my students to help too. As a teacher, it is my duty to not only teach my young wards the lessons that can be found in books or web pages. These young minds should also be given lessons on compassion and good intentions. If they see that their teacher is willing to go to all the trouble to help look after the cats (mind you we had to clean the poo and throw away the sand that smelled of urine each day), then hopefully they too would learn from example. Besides, I didn't want to see the 4 cats going hungry and living in dirty cages for a whole week. When the owners are around, they are free to roam. So besides getting to play with the cats, I am sure the lot of us earned Merit points for our Karma.

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