Monday 18 February 2008


Money! Who can get enough of it? Certainly not me and billions of others on this earth. We are already into the 12th day of the Rat Year and many Chinese are hoping to gain some new year wealth.
Below I am going to post some Taoist wealth ushering methods. Try them, if luck is on your side then you'd be able to max your wealth.
  1. Attracting money with "Ang Pow" or Red Packets: For this method, you need to use a brand new Ang Pow. Next place one piece of note and then one coin into the red packet (the note can be RM1, RM10 or any denomination you wish) and a coin (eg. 10 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen). You also have to write down your name and date and time of birth onto a pink or red piece of paper and place it inside the same Ang Pow. Then you should write some auspicious wealth ushering words. For those who know how to write Chinese they can write in Chinese. Those who can't can write their auspicious wordings in English, e.g. "Ushering wealth by the day, ushering gold by the minute". Then you have to carry that particular packet with you wherever you go or place it in a wealth vase/wealth accumulation bowl. If it works, you'd be able to see results after about a week.
  2. Borrowing luck from the deities: The Taoist have one particular practice during the first lunar month and that is by borrowing wealth or luck from one of the Taoist deities to turn their wealth or fortune luck around. The items to be used during this ceremony are five different types of fruits, red dates and sweet cakes (fatt koe). One needs to go to any one of the Taoist temples and offer incence and prayers plus the food items mentioned earlier. Don't be surprised to find many people going to temples to specially borrow luck during this time of the year. The borrowing is usually done when a year is not particularly favourable to ones own zodiac sign. By doing so, it is hoped that the divine beings will lend their strong and divine energies to shore up ones wealth luck and to also to jack up peace and harmony in the family.
  3. During the first fifteen days of the Chinese New Year, prepare a small ceramic rice container. At the base of the container, you must fill it with rice (about a quarter full) and also threads of noodles. On top of those two items, palce some round biscuits. On the outside of the container, stick a red piece of paper with the words "bliss and wealth". This auspicious wordings can easily bought from the shops selling chinese prayer items. Then the container is placed in a corner in the kitchen. The contents in the container must be eaten up within 7 days. It is said that by doing so, the whole family will enjoy a peaceful year ahead and things will go smoothly and there will be wealth fortune for the year.
  4. Boosting wealth luck with ancient coins: Keep three ancient emperor coins in your purse or wallet and carry them around so that money will attract money. By doing so you will be able to build up your wealth luck. Remember to use genuine ancient coins and not the replicas. Also the three coins must be tied together in a read string.

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