Monday 18 February 2008


As a young girl, I was taught by my elders to treat books with respect as we will be able to gain much from them. I was told to never sit on a book. Here is an article I read on feng shui about books.

Cluttering books in Feng Shui is very bad. But when kept in proper places and neatly, the same books can bring good results in studies. How you store the books in the bedroom is very important. Books strewn over the bed can cause disturbed sleep. Above the bed on shelves they signify that the sleeping person is overwhelmed by new knowledge. So if a student is sleeping under the shelves, the books will create problems with his school work. These shelves will not affect immediately; it will take some time before the person or the student will feel and experience stress and pressure and his work will start to suffer.
According to Feng Shui, books should never be kept under the bed. Students should be very careful not to keep their text-books, notes and essays — of the subjects that are to be given marks by the teachers — under the bed as this is really bad news, symbolically sleeping on your books and notes is like stepping over them.
This should be avoided at all costs by every student. I personally recommend that all students should keep their books on the side-tables of their bedrooms or on the shelves that do not face the bed directly. Lastly, remember books represent knowledge and this fact should never be compromised by bed Feng Shui.

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