Monday 18 February 2008


One of the visitors to this blog wrote and asked about ways to activate wealth and prosperity luck last week. Personally, I feel very rich. It is not because I have lots of cash stashed away in the bank (I don't) but it is because I am rich with the love of my family and friends. But you might say that it is in terms of spiritual wealth, right? Well, in the case of material wealth, I too would love to have lots of Vitamin M. Who doesn't? With money, I can be a lady of leisure and concentrate on getting a doctorate and have the ability to the buy the things I want, to go the places I want to go and to be able to let my family live comfortably. Unfortunately, I don't think I am someone who is born with business acumen and that would rule out making tons of money from this resource. Neither do I have the talent to invest in the share market. As for talent, I can sing reasonably well but not to the extent that people would pay money to hear me sing or perform. What other alternative do I have? What's left would be either to win the lottery or marry a rich man! Aiyah! As the way things are, I think I best have to be contented to being an ordinary salaried person and not have such dreams of grandeur as I do not have gambling luck or the looks of Miss Malaysia.
Oh! I have digressed. I should be writing about feng shui for wealth and prosperity instead of going on about the unlikelihood of me entering the Forbes 1000 list. For those who wish for wealth and properity luck, read the article below.
Prosperity, Wealth, Happiness & Love
Prosperity. What is it? How do you get it? How do you recognise it? What do you do with it once you have it?What is Prosperity?Prosperity and abundance circulates through the universe and through all our is an never ending flow of giving and receiving.Our inner world is formed by our perceptions of the outer world. We all see the world through our own personal window which is a reflection of our beliefs, interpretations and associations. These have been formed throughout our lives by our numerous experiences. Our prosperity is really a reflection of our thoughts.How do you recognize Prosperity?Many people only associate prosperity with financial wealth but true riches are of many kinds. Along with material wealth there is also love, friendships, family, health, knowledge and spiritual wealth.How do you get Prosperity?For prosperity to touch your life there is just one truth....Giving leads to receiving. Those who give, who are generous, who share their wealth whatever that may be know something greater; giving itself is real riches. By giving of your time, of your love, of your friendships or of your money you receive more inner satisfaction, happiness and peace.What do you do with Prosperity?Once you give a gift to someone, forget about it. Whenever you give something away, consider it a gift, and don't expect something in return. Give freely and from the heart. Give with the intention of making both the giver and the receiver happy.

If you want happiness then share happiness with all you meet
If you want peace then live a peaceful life
If you want love then give love freely and from your heart
If you want joy then give joy to others
If you have much give of your wealth
If you have little give of your heart

Lao-Tse on Greed: Continuing to fill a pail after it is full, water will be wasted. Continuing to grind an axe after it is sharp will wear it away. Excess of light blinds the eye. Excess of sound deafens the ear. Excess of sweets deadens the taste. He who possesses moderation is lasting and enduring. Too much is always a curse.

Feng Shui Symbols and Statues
Good Luck Coins:Giving three coins tied with red ribbon symbolises sharing wealth and luck. This is a very auspicious act and brings positive Feng Shui to both the giver and the receiver.
Three Legged Moon Frog:Very much the symbol of good fortune and wealth. The three legged frog with the coin in its mouth, when placed inside the front door and facing into the home will bring about positive changes to your good luck and prosperity. This symbol is also associated with longevity.
Dragon Turtle:One of the best representatives of a long and prosperous life. A golden dragon turtle attracts prosperity to your business and improves relationships with those around you. Place a golden dragon turtle in the prosperity corner (South-East) of an office or business facing toward the door.
Golden Cat of Abundance and Protection:The two sided Cat of Abundance and Protection is a unique Feng Shui statue. On the one side the Cat is smiling and holding its left paw up which represents good fortune and the attraction of money to you. On the other side the Cat is frowning and holding in its paw a broom. This symbolises protection and the broom is to sweep away worry and trouble.
Golden Pigs:A pair of Golden Pigs will bring great prosperity and happiness to a household. A symbol of honesty and tolerance the pig also signifies initiative and diligence. Golden Pigs are an excellent Feng Shui symbol when setting up a business or a new home.
Fu' Lu' Sou (The three star Gods):Three star Gods are the most revered of all Feng Shui deities as they represent Health, Wealth and Longevity.
Bells:The outside of your house is the perfect place for bells which ring out the coming of prosperity and good news. Small bells made of metal should hang outside the front door if it faces between the North and the West. Use crystal or ceramic bells elsewhere.
Wealth Bucket:Fill a decorative container made of metal with coins and place in the North West corner of your home of office. Keep the container inside a cabinet or draw. Do not display openly.
Indoor Plants:The South East corners are the place to display your indoor plants to enrich their wealth potential.
Fish:Goldfish are descendants of Koi carp which can live for over 100 years. Three gold fish in a bowl are a symbol of prosperity in the home. Statues or pictures of eight Koi carp are believed to invite good fortune into your home of business.
Ten Affirmations Towards Prosperity:
From "Your Right To Riches" by Colin Sisson

I have great worth just being myself
I deserve to be prosperous and wealthy
Money flows easily to me
Wealth enables me to more fully express my creative potential
Expressing my creativity allows me to be wealthy
Money and prosperity help me to help others
The more I give, the more I receive
I enjoy being paid for doing what I enjoy
I am willing to receive money for my pleasure
I am willing to allow my life to be fun and easy

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