Friday 29 February 2008


I was surfing the Net and chanced upon a site on Feng Shui for cars claiming that they have stickers which will help maximise the good fortune of the car. After looking at it, I felt that it was more of making money from stuff that they are hawking in the guise of Feng Shui. Tsk! Tsk! The things people do to make a quick buck.
And as a feast for your eyes, here are two pictures of the gorgeous Dawn Yang posing with two cars that look as hot as her. Well if the articles about cosmetic surgery are true, then modern medical technology has really advanced. She does look great. If you go back to my Chinese New Year post, I do have a student Mona who looks like Dawn. However, I can assure you that my student is the real thing as I know her family.
However, there was another article I found which is more helpful and which I am posting here.

How to Feng Shui Your Car

By Stephanie Dempsey

Feng shui, or the ancient Chinese art of placement, can be practiced on any space imaginable: a home, office or yard. It stands to reason, then, that feng shui can be applied with equal effectiveness to one's car. After all, most us spend lots of time in our cars -- they're bound to impact our psyches. The more clean and orderly your mode of transportation, the easier it will be to get where you want to go, both literally and figuratively.
Clean Up Your Act -- Consider the effect of riding around in a car filled with empty coffee cups, dirty napkins, cast-off clothing and old paperwork. By keeping your ride neat and orderly, it will be much easier to get moving in every area of life. Tidying up your car is a great thing to do whenever you feel listless and unmotivated.Go with the Flow -- If you're prone to road rage, consider hanging a round, faceted crystal from a blue ribbon. Dangle the crystal from your rearview mirror. This will add Water energy to your car, making it easier to cope with frustrations like traffic, poorly marked roads and reckless drivers.Stimulate Your Senses -- Don't like that new car smell? Dab a drop of essential oil onto your steering wheel. Soothing rosemary is great if you're prone to road rage, while stimulating lemon is appropriate if you drive for long hours. Steer clear of those cardboard air fresheners, as their cloying aroma can cause headaches. Always remember that when it comes to scent cures, a little goes a long way!
imp Your Ride -- If you're not happy with your current set of wheels, set an intention for getting a better car. Clean out your glove compartment so that it contains only essential items like your insurance card, registration, moist hand towels and anything else that will have practical use. Keep the contents of your glove compartment as neat and orderly as possible, and then add the following note: "I now own my dream car." Write a lengthy description of your car, including the make, model, price and color. Fold your note into a piece of tin foil, and then put it in your glove compartment, which is located in the Helpful People section of your car. You'll soon snag a better set of wheels.
Pick Your Best Color -- A car's energy has a great deal to do with its color. If you're buying a car, consider which color will serve you best.
Red/Pink/Orange -- Perfect for gaining fame and attention. Not favored for people prone to speeding or road rage.
Yellow/Brown/Beige -- Good for people who treat their car like a second home. A poor color choice for drivers who often travel to unfamiliar places.
White/Silver/Gold -- Ideal for drivers who often venture into unknown territory. Not good for people prone to stress.
Black/Blue/Gray -- Perfect for people who use their car for business. A poor color choice for workaholics.
Green/Purple/Burgundy -- Excellent for people who enjoy road trips. Not favored for homebodies.

Talkin' 'bout the Car Wash, Yeah -- If you've lost direction in life, head for the car wash. Clean windows represent your sense of sight. The clearer your vision, the easier it will be to find the path to success.Get the Junk Outta the Trunk -- Having a hard time being recognized for your accomplishments? Check your trunk. It represents Fame. If you keep this storage space clean, orderly and spacious, it won't be difficult to get the accolades you deserve.
Park Facing the Street, Not Your Home -- It's better to back into your garage than drive directly into it. It feels threatening to see a car facing toward you the moment you step out of the house.Focus Like a Laser -- If you're prone to distractions, paste a small circular lipstick mirror beneath the driver's seat. (You can find these online or in most bed and bath shops.) This is also a good cure if you've got a teenager who is just learning to drive. Mirrors promote focus and attention -- whether you know they are there or not.Silence Backseat Drivers -- If you're involved with somebody who constantly offers annoying driving tips, drape the passenger seat with a blue towel or piece of fabric that has a wavy pattern. Keep a fresh bottle of water on hand to occupy your friend. Water energy has a way of mitigating petty criticisms. Free jazz is considered water music, so you can also play such a CD as a means to keep the "helpful hints" to a minimum.

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