Monday 25 February 2008


One of my visitors, Sherenc, wrote in to tell me that the kitchen of her house is located in the South and she asked if putting more stainless steel pots and pans would do the trick. My dear Sherenc, I am afraid not as the stove is in the kitchen and that would mean fire energy. Since the South in itself is a Fire sector, having the stove there this year would inadvertently stoke up the Earth energy of the Fearsome 5 Yellow Star. Also, it is not advisable to use this area as much as possible as all the negative energies of the year are supposed to be concentrated there. Besides the 5 Yellow, the three killing also resides there.

Before I go on further, I'd like you to read the article below to get a better idea of the good and bad energies of the flying stars that I took from the Xuan Kong Monthly Flying Star website:
In Feng Shui terms, the interaction between the energies (good or bad) of each sector of a Xuan Kong chart above will affect the well-being of the household.
In addition, this interaction is further influenced by the visitation of the Annual visiting energy that represents the potential influence, as well as the Monthly visiting energy that acts like a catalyst. These influences are experienced in varying degrees throughout the month because of the Daily visiting energy.
The important palaces (sectors) that affect us most are:
a. The main / front door
b. The door you use for entry and exit frequently or on a daily basis
c. The sector where your office is located within the building
d. Your bedroom location within your property
e. The rooms that are used frequently where most activities, noise and movement are, e.g. kitchen, living room, study or the playroom
What do we do with this information? In every house, there are good and bad palaces which affect our daily lives. How and who gets affected (good or bad) depends on who occupies which area. The objective here is to be aware of the influences and how to capitalise on the beneficial energies or avoid the unfavourable influences either through enhancers or cures or avoidance. Knowing the effects of the influences allows us to take appropriate measures and actions to calm interactions. So, do not get too worried when you come across a bad sector - sometimes with thought, care and the appropriate elements, we can balance any conflict of energies or compensate the lack of an element to bring harmony to a palace. That said, if a palace is particularly bad, avoidance is the best cure.
You do not have to run around and try to cure every affected sector of your house. Simply be aware of the potential influences of the sectors. The objective of this update is to prepare you by informing you of the intangible forces of energy that exist in each sector of the house and how these may influence your performance.
Please do not panic when you find that your bedroom is located in an affected sector for the month. This is only a temporary influence and can be avoided. If you cannot avoid the room completely, then try to use the good small sectors (tai chi) of the room. There are more details on how to do this towards the bottom of this page.
You are only affected (positively or negatively) by the frequently used areas. Hence the advice:
Use the beneficial areas more and the areas of negative influences less. For example, if the living room is affected by conflicting energies, try not to play loud music in this room for the month. By keeping the area quiet, you successfully manipulate the effect of the energies.
If possible, use another door if your main door is negatively affected this month.
Use the good sectors to solve existing problems whether they concern relationships or money matters.
If your main door is affected and this is only the door you have in your property, you should take extra care in what you do during the affected month. You will know it may not be a good time to take risks and also to take extra care of your health.

After reading what I downloaded above, now try the cheap cures that I am going to recommend below for the 4 nasty stars:

Northwest (2 Illness Black Star)
Use metal feng shui cures to ward off the 2 illness black star. Weaken the energy of this star with a brass Wu Lou (calabash). Other than its ability on the black star, Wu Lou is also known as the "life giver", and can be placed beside the bed of someone ill or recovering from illness to aid in the recovery.

Southwest (7 Violent Red Star)
Place a glass of water to weaken the negativity. Remember to change the water daily.
Do not try to control the red star using fire element as you could aggravate the energy of this star.
West (3 Argumentative Jade Star)
Avoid enhancing this location with water element (such as water features) unless a Feng Shui master or expert recommends it.
If you are not in sales or service line, you can hang something red, e.g. a red banner (or place a red mat if your main door is in the west) to weaken the energy of this star. These are cheap and effective feng shui cures.
South (5 Fearsome Yellow Star)
Put a metal object to weaken the energy of this star and avoid any red object in this sector, as it can feed and boost the energy of this star.
One of the powerful feng shui cures for this star is the Feng Shui Wind Chime. Pay attention to the number of hollow tubes or rods used. It should be 6.

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