Friday 29 February 2008


As I have been very busy with work, my house is in a mess. There is clutter here and clutter there. Not to mention the pile of clothes that I have washed by not ironed. Even my books, files and notes are just placed haphazardly. In Feng Shui terms, clutter is NOT good and it stifles us and is a blockage to qi flow.
Since today is a holiday for me, I think the time is right for me to clear all the clutter in my home. Do you know that clutter is low, stagnant and confusing energy that drains energy from you. Depending on the feng shui area of your house where your clutter is located, it can also have negative influence, or even completely block, the flow of events in specific areas of your life. The reason most people avoid clearing the clutter is not because it takes effort and it can be time consuming. The real reason is the fact that clutter clearing is a very emotional process that feels like therapy, and it takes emotional stamina to go through it.
So, ladies and gentlemen, I will be shutting down the computer after this and getting started on clearing all the clutter I have accumulated for aeons. Peace be with you! Ta Ta.
P/S: Enjoy looking at some of the photos taken yesterday during my school Sports as I won't post pictures of my messy house. It is very embarassing to do so. Kee! Kee! Kee!

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