Friday 9 August 2013


 For me holidays are both good and bad.  Good is because I get time to relax and do the things I don't have time to do when I am working.  Bad is because I find I myself with so much free time that I tend to sleep and eat.  Now that is bad for my health and also my figure.
Anyway, I always try to make time to visit my young friends at the Sitiawan Rumah Wawasan (Vision Home).  When I go, Lai Yoong would of course have to go as well.  This visit, we got our friend, Swee Sian and her two sons to come with us.  Her eldest who is working in KL was back in town for the Raya holidays and he gladly came along. I made dessert, Lai Yoong did the sandwiches and Swee Sian fried noodles for them.
The children love having their pictures taken.  What I do is I will send the photographs to be developed after each visit and then give it to them as keepsakes.  Enjoy looking at the photos of our visit.  Hopefully, you too can find time to visit the Children's Homes in your area.  Believe me, the children would be more than happy to have you visit.
 Me with Priya and Li Ping.  

 The two boys are smiling from the heart.   Now those are really lovely smiles.
 Me with the latest addition to the Home.  This three year old boy was brought to the home a few days ago.

 The two girls performing a dance for us.
 The children are doing the Chicken Dance.  Very cute.

 Swee Sin's youngest son entertaining the children with a piano recital.  The young man will be taking his Grade 8 piano examinations soon.

 Elder brother also entertained the children with card tricks.  He is an amateur magician and has been learning the tricks for some time.  Unfortunately, he only knew of the visit yesterday and so did not bring along all the magician bag filled with tricks.  He said he'd visit again next time and give them a full performance.

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