Friday 9 August 2013


This year the seventh lunar month happens at a time when the dreaded annual and monthly Five Yellow Star are in the centre palace.  This means a double whammy of all the nasties might be served to those who are not so fortunate.
I read an article from the World of Feng Shui website about how dreadful this month and am sharing it here with you.  If you believe, then you may take the necessary precautions suggested by Feng Shui Grandmaster Lillian Too.  

Accidents, Mishaps and Danger Doubles with the Double 5 Yellow during Hungry Ghost Month!
Every year the Hungry Ghost Month dawns upon us on the 7th lunar month of the year – a time where the Gates of the underworld open for a 30 days! During this month millions of spirits, demons and ghosts are unleashed, allowing them to roam the human realm freely for thirty days! Hence traditional Chinese folk make plenty of offerings and rituals to appease the millions of spirits as this is the most powerful method for averting calamities during this month!

7th August - 4th September!

20th August 2013

15th August, 24th August, 2nd September

In 2013 the Hungry Ghost Month coincides with the 7th monthly feng shui chart, which has the double FIVE YELLOW in the centre! This is a strong indication that the 7th month of the Water Snake Year foretells grave danger – financially, physically and emotionally!

With the Double Five in the centre afflicting the energies of the world, coupled with millions of spirits and ghosts wandering the streets, the probability of physical dangers are increased:

Violence and self-destruction (suicide, etc.)
Sudden Illness, aches and pains
Traffic Accidents – especially late at night and on highways and lonely streets
Construction Accidents – especially of bridges, old buildings and places where blessing rituals were not done before work commenced.
Freak Accidents – in swimming pools, lakes, ponds, play grounds, cliffs
Missing People – in mountains, forests and lonely places
Burglary and Mugging – especially in WEST locations and West/East facing houses
Mental Illness and Depression
THUS, our advice is to be extra careful especially while you are out at night, or travelling to destinations outside your protected home. It is also VITAL to perform incense appeasement ritual (see below) and strengthen the protective ENERGIES of your home.

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