Sunday 4 August 2013


Fengshui Tips for the bedroom to have better health and wealth
31 Jul 2013

Master Lynn Yap

1) A bedroom is the place where one gets to sleep and rest and therefore should be prominently placed in the room.

2) There should be a wall behind the bed for anyone to sleep better.

3) Directly opposite the bed should also have a wall for better health and good fortune.

4) If there is a window behind the bed or opposite the bed then use thick, long curtains to form a “wall”.

5) The compass direction of the bed has to match the couple’s bazi’s favourable directions so that they are sleeping in their good directions. As we usually spend 8 hours sleeping.

6) The ceiling and floor tiles should be flat to allow smooth flow of qi in the bedroom.

7) One can have a television set mounted on a wall directly opposite the bed to watch tv programs or movies.

8) Ideally the bed should have legs that are about 6 inches gap from the mattress and the floor to allow qi to pass through them so that one can have better health and don’t have a backache, the next morning.

9) For the master bedroom, usually a pair of bedside table is placed beside the bed as well as a pair of lamp for brightness in relationship as the bed represents relationship.

10) The bed should never face the bedroom door if not, one can have bad health and no luck.

11) The bed should also never face the bathroom door if not health is never good.

12) There should not be 3 doors in the master bedroom if not the spouse would one day run away.

13) There should never be a mirror in the bedroom if not when one is sleeping, one’s body is trapped in the mirror then how can anyone have good luck. Hence there are no dressing table in the master bedroom.

14) There should also not be any glass cabinet doors or glass doors in the whole bedroom as glass are reflective and act as mirrors.

15) Windows are glass too and hence reflective like a mirror so often curtains or blinds are used in the bedroom.

16) For a couple’s room, usually their photographs are placed either on the bedside table to allow people to know that that is their bedroom or hung on the wall, for better relationship.

17) A pair of red heart shaped pillows are also placed on the bed to represent love and romance for the couple as this makes them more loving.

18) The wall and curtain colours should match the couple’s bazi (a form of life reading based on their birthdate and time)

19) One can also place two small safes facing the couple when they are sleeping so as to grow their wealth. These safes are usually hidden in chest drawers.

20) The edge of the cupboard should never cut into the bed if not it is bad for relationship.

21) A coin bank shaped in your animal sign can be placed in the masterbedroom for added good fortune. The bigger the coin bank the bigger your wealth than your spouse.

22) There should be no ceiling fan above the bed especially for the couple’s room.

23) The ceiling lamp ideally should be round and placed in the centre and non reflective.

24) Avoid a chandelier above the couple’s bed as this would give rise to frequent quarrels.

25) Some couple use lavendar oil burners in the bedroom to help them sleep better and this is allowed.

26) Light music can be played in the bedroom 30 mins before sleeping so as to allow the energy in the room to be condusive for sleeping as good night's sleep is very importnat for one's overall well being.

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