Wednesday 7 August 2013


Here is an interesting article about Ghost Marriage that I read from the Star newspaper dated 6 July 2013.

Two get married in afterworld wedding

A MAN who died in 2011 apparently “tied the knot” with a female ghost in an afterworld wedding ceremony in Johor Baru after he “informed” his family members about his wish through a medium, Sin Chew Daily reported.

Huang Hen Hua, who collapsed and died at his house at age 38, had informed his sister Huang Lai Ti, 54, through a temple medium that he wanted to marry the 31-year-old ghost, known as Chen.

The sister sought help as she was feeling uncomfortable after attending a friend’s funeral ceremony a week ago.

“I felt very tired and did not have appetite. Then, I kept dreaming of my brother Hen Hua, so I decide to seek help from a temple medium,” she said.

The temple medium said Hen Hua wanted to marry the female ghost but his family members did not get the “message” even though he had tried to send the message twice previously.

The two-day afterworld wedding ceremony was held at their house last weekend.

“We held the ceremony now so that Hen Hua and his newly-wed wife can celebrate as a couple during the Hungry Ghost Month,” said Lai Ti, who no longer feels tired.

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