Wednesday 7 August 2013


 Being welcomed home to Ipoh by Milo is something that has become very normal for Aunt Linda and I.  When I arrived home on Sunday evening, the reception by Milo was more than warm.  The moment I opened my car door, she had put both her paws on my seat and was wagging her tail.
 I had to tell Milo to hold it steady so that I could get out of the car.
 See, I had to pet her first before I got into the house.  She actually wanted to follow me into the house.
 I told Milo to go home as her mistress might be looking for her.
The pooch refused to budge and I had to sneak into the house.  Even then she was barking outside for me to come out.  What charm did I have to deserve this?   It was only the next morning that I realised that my neigbours had gone on vacation over the weekend and Milo was left at home.  They had someone come feed her in the morning.  Also the poor doggie must have been frightened silly by the storm that happened over the weekend.  She stuck to me the whole morning while I did the gardening and even when I went out with Aunt Linda she stayed in my compound.  Luckily my neighbours came back on Monday evening and Milo went happily home.

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