Monday 27 August 2012


Kee Kee Kee!  Lucky me went to hug the special Agarwood Tree at the Gaharu Tea Valley in Kampung Itik yesterday.  I brought along Lai Yoong and her Aunty Josephine as well.   There are many who believe that Agarwood or Gaharu contains very special energy. In Feng Shui Gaharu is commonly used to remove the “Sha/Bad 煞  (bad or negative energies) or obstacles that obstruct our goals and path in life.
Well! The tree in particular is 20 years old and is said to give off lots and lots of positive energy. When hugging the tree, one has to wish in earnest for good things to happen.  Many would wish for wealth and health luck.  I have heard of many stories of people who managed to win money after their visit and gone back again and again to hug the tree.  The people who went on the ride with us were from KL.  They had been coming again and again because after each visit, their paths have become smoother and their lives happier.  Click this LINK for a real-life account of people striking the lottery after they hugged the tree.
 Lai Yoong and Aunty Josephine getting instructions from the guide on how to hug the tree.
 Auntie Josephine hugging the tree.

 Both ladies wished for good health.

 See, I am earnestly wishing that my book "Red Occasions" will be published.  Aiyah!  It is more than 6 years since the publisher said that they would publish the book but until today, there is no sign of it.  Hopefully, my wish will come true this time.

 Lai Yoong and Auntie Josephine taking a look at the products sold at the Gaharu Shop.

 Auntie Josephine, Auntie Linda and Lai Yoong posing next to the root of a Gaharu tree.  Auntie Linda who is afraid of heights waited for us near the shop.

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