Monday 27 August 2012


When we were at the Gaharu Tea Valley Plantation, our guide told us that another tree that we had hugged was not a Gaharu Tree. He told us that we had hugged a rubber tree. Well, the three of us would not lose anything as hugging any tree (as long as it is healthy and is not infested with ants or insects) is beneficial. Do you know that when we hug a tree, we become amalgamated and be one with the tree. This personal linkage will allow the energy shift between you and the tree. The tree absorbs the negative energy that you have, will balance it and turn it into a positive one. You must make the hug longer with your eyes close. Take a deep breath, meditate and gently feel the energy as it flows through in and out of your body. Keep hugging until you feel the total transmission of positive energies and you felt re-charged, renewed and reborn. this is the healing process we can benefited from the trees.

Here is an article on why it is worth our while to hug trees


Have you ever thought about hugging a tree? Most probably you have, as you you are here and point interest in the benefits of hugging a tree.

Some people believe that the benefits of hugging a tree mostly depend on what you believe in – maybe. But there are some common characteristics we can point out.
Top 3 benefits of hugging a tree

1. Trees are fresh air factories

Tree leaves remove the dust from the air and provide us with clean air. While hugging a tree you are standing under the “fresh air factory”. Where else would you get the freshest air if not under a tree. And fresh air has a lot of health benefits – here is a good article about the health benefits of fresh air.

2. Trees fill you with positive energy

Energy exchange is another important benefit of hugging a tree. Trees take negative energy from you and replace it with a positive one. Hug a tree as long as you feel that your body is recharged with positive energy.

3. Hug a tree to boost your mood

Hugging itself is a very positive thing to do (read about the health benefits of hugging). When hugging a tree you combine the positive outcome of hugging with tons of fresh air and positive energy. Only positive things can come out from that combination – better mood is certainly one of them.

Try to hug different trees as different trees might give you different types of feelings and emotions.

Have you tried to hug a tree? Please share your experience – what are the benefits of hugging a tree you have enjoyed?

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