Wednesday 25 April 2012


I keep a pair of crabs as pets in my porch. They are easy to rear and are very low maintenance. My crabs are ordinary ones which only costs RM3 each.

What I'd do to get my hands on a purple crab like the one below. This purple crab was newly discovered found the Philippine island of Palawan. These crabs are small in size as each measured between roughly one and two inches wide.

A `live' crab is auspicious because, it is alive i.e. vibrant and active. In Feng Shui, a crab is the cure to solve competition for promotion and other office politics problems.Keeping crabs at home help to smooth your way to promotion.

 More about the symbolism of the Crab in Feng Shui:
The crab, as an animal, is a very vigilant and agile creature. Because it moves in a sideways manner, it is said to stand out in a crowd, allowing for success and strategic handling of situations. It also has claws that symbolize great strength; when encountered with danger, the crab will immediately pinch its opponent, preventing any form of escape or further harm.
Because of these vital features of the Crab, it is a strong and worthy creature in Feng Shui symbolism. For those in business, it will provide you with the power to overcome your opponents, stabilizing your climb up the career ladder with plenty of promotions. For those who are still studying, the Crab will enhance academic aptitude and test results. Those who are coming at you with bad intentions will be repressed. Not only will it eliminate the competition, but the Crab will allow you the insights to reach the goal; you will attain the ability to create strategic methods and create counterattacks.

My say:  So now you know why I keep two crabs as pets at home. Hee Hee Hee.  By the way, I think the purple crabs are super auspicious as this colour is the colour of wealth.

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