Sunday 28 August 2011


The pineapples and bananas above were going cheap at the market this morning.  They were sold by a vendor who had come with his lorry.  I guess the fruits were from his own orchard and that was why they were sold much cheaper than the ones inside the market.  The normal pineapple was priced at RM1 each while the crystal type was sold at RM1.70 for one.  The ladies who were busy buying up the pineapples told me that the crystal ones cost around RM2.50 to RM3.50 inside the market.
The bananas cost RM2.00 for a bunch.  Since tomorrow is the first day of the eighth lunar month, the housewives are buying the pineapples and bananas to place as offerings on their altars at home.  To the Chinese the pineapple is a wealth ushering fruit as its Chinese name is Wong Lai or "Wealth come my way".  Bananas are called Koon Chiew in Cantonese and also has the connotation of welcoming wealth luck.  
I bought one pineapple from the vendor.

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