Sunday 28 August 2011


Chinese female vampire
It is with a sigh of relief that today is the last day of the seventh Chinese lunar month  Before the start of the month, my friends who read the Chinese Newspapers told me that there was an article saying that the seventh lunar month for this year will see more severe negative energy in the world.  Things happening around this time would be more terrible than the seventh months of previous years.
Personally this has been a harrowing month for me.  My mum kept falling sick and was just not herself.  My friend, Mr Wong died from a heart-attach and my cousin, Simon, had to undergo brain surgery.  Haji Hasnin's brother-in-law passed away from third stage lung cancer just slightly more than a week after his ailment was diagnosed by the doctors.  I also seem to notice that there were more funerals than usual.  I also heard that there were two others in Ipoh who died from heart attacks after watching the match between Lin Dan and Chong Wei.
My mum had a fall on Friday afternoon and another on Saturday morning.  The Chinese believe that the very young and very old are more susceptible to the negative influences of the ghosts during the seventh lunar month.
Another 22 hours to go before we bid goodbye to the seventh month and welcome the auspicious eighth lunar month.  For once, I am wishing that time would move faster.

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