Monday 2 May 2011


I haven't been feeling too well lately as the pressure in both my ears are causing me to have hearing problems and also triggering headaches.  That is why I haven't been prompt in answering the queries and requests of people who email me, leave comments, call me or come and see me in person. 
I am also having problems with my laptop after I lent it to a colleague who attended the course with me.  I lent it to him for a few hours and when I got the laptop back, my whole anti-virus programme was corrupted.  Though I reinstalled the programme, I still have problems assessing certain programmes in the laptop.  I can't burn CDs or DVDs and access certain sites.  I need to send it to the shop to be reformatted.  It really isn't fair, right?  I lend my laptop to someone but need to pay to get it reformatted.  I actually feel very angry but then what can I do.  It is not fair, isn't it? 
I want to make it clear that when I am working I do not make use of the time to write my personal blog or to answer the queries or requests of visitors.  I usually do so after midnight when I have finished preparing my school work.  Since I have been having problems with my ears lately, I sleep at around midnight. 
I am sure that if you visit my blog regularly, you'd know that I have been very, very busy with school work lately. 
So to those people who have written to me, please be patient and wait a little while longer for my replies as I need to finish my school work first.  I owe it to the ministry of education who pay my salary to teach the students and to carry out other duties as a teacher. 
Please understand too that I need time to recover my health and also complete my duties before I can see to any requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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