Sunday 1 May 2011


This afternoon, I had a call from my friend, Yew Kee.  He called to inform me that he and his wife, Michelle, were serving Pie Tee in their Menu.  They do not offer Pie Tee every day and only on certain days.  Of course, I said I wanted and made my mum and aunt go with me to the stall to eat two sets of the snacks.  Actually I was given strict orders by the Uncle Masseur not to eat any heaty or fried food for a few days so that my blocked ears would heal faster but then we are talking about Pie Tee, which happens to be in my top 10 list of favourite food. 
As Michelle had made extra Pie Tee casings, I told her to keep some for tomorrow so that I could go and order some more to eat for breakfast.  I will drink lots of cooling herbal drinks and coconut juice afterwards to ofset the heatiness afterwards.

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