Monday 2 May 2011


There is this Oldies song by a singer whose name is a mouthful, Engelbert Humperdinck, called "Am I that Easy to Forget".  This is actually a song about love lost.  But that is not what I am referring to.  As a matter of fact, the title of the song refers to ME, Miss Cheah.  And no, I am not talking about former boyfriends who had easily forgotten about me. 
So what on earth am I talking about?  Well, I am actually referring to three situations in my life where people have forgotten about me.

Let me enlighten you on all three.

In 2006, I received a telephone call from a Ms Chong from Pelanduk Publications saying that her company would be interested in a book I wrote about Chinese Culture called "Red Occasions" after I sent them a draft.  Well, I was delighted and then there was communication and I was told to work on the book more and added more chapters, more photographs, etc.  The editor also contacted me and finally the whole book was finish in 2008.  I was sent a contract to sign and then was even informed by the editor that the final draft was ready and waiting for approval from the national archives.  Then there was silence.  When I next contacted Ms Chong in 2009, I was informed that the editor had resigned and that they had assigned another editor to work on my book.  It seemed that the new editor was not happy with the illustrations and was reworking them.  I was told to wait.  It is now May, 2011 but I have yet to get any news from the publisher. 
Actually I feel rather embarassed as I have told a number of my friends and relatives.  Some have even asked me when my book was going to come out.  Aiyoh!  They may think that I was lying about me ever having a book going to be published. 
I think they must truly have forgotten about me.
Actually, I have decided that I would be going to the Publication Firm during the next school holidays to ask them to give me back the agreement that I have signed.  I will get the book printed on my own and give them to my friends and relatives.  I do not want to be branded as a liar just because people have forgotten about me.

Remember my problem with the Housing Developer over the Corroded Water Faucet?  Well, the young man over at the MCA Service Centre had promised to set up a press conference for me since three weeks ago.  I waited for the first week but he did not contact me.  Then the second week, I had to attend a course in Penang and so I contacted him to tell him to postpone the press conference to another week.  When I came back, I contacted him and he replied with this sms, "Noted.  Will Do."  Now we are into the fourth week but still no press conference.  Either the young man has forgotten about me or that the reporters are simply not interested to write an article about a teacher from a small town in Malaysia being given low quality faucets that rust.  Anyway, to be fair to the young man, he met with an accident and needed to have surgery on his brain.  He still needs to undergo another operation.  So in this case, I am being extra patient given the situation and the young man 's condition.

When I first moved into my new house, Lai Yoong and Kamariah told me to get a grill to cover the two openings on the ceiling as they say that burglars could get into the house from there.  Well, I had told the grill maker to make them for me but then he forgot.  Three months after I moved in, I went with Lai Yoong to the grill maker's shop to remind him to make the grill for me.  However, he seems to have forgotten.  Now, I am hearing of cases of two burglars entering into the homes of my neighbours and taking off with their valuables.  Arggghhhh!!!  See, I have also been forgotten by the grill maker.

So, haven't I proven to you that without a shadow of a doubt that "I AM THAT EASY TO FORGET". 

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