Monday 2 May 2011


I am such a regular customer of Brother Lek, the florist, that he knows me by name.  Last Sunday I ordered a lemon plant from him and went to get him yesterday morning.  Sure enough, the plant was there waiting for me when I went to the spot in the market where Brother Lek displays his plants that are for sale. 
The one that I have in the school Herb Garden is the yellow lemon and I wanted the local lemon to add to the collection.  I don't have to worry about being charged an exorbitant price by Brother Lek as his plants are usually much more cheaper than the ones in the nursery or at the departmental stores.  I paid RM10 for the lemon plant.  Besides that I also bought three more pots of plants for the school herb garden as quite a number had died.  I am one person who just cannot stand looking at a garden that is not green enough.  Unfortunately herbal plants can be quite unpredictable and difficult to maintain thus the need to keep replenishing them.  Anyway, this is something that I enjoy doing and so it makes me really happy to go buy the plants.  For your information, there is no allocation or funds from the school to buy plants for the herb garden. I use money from the sale of herbal drinks or money sponsored by wellwishers.  Sometimes, I buy the plants using my own money.  My former principal used to give me money to buy plants but then she has already retired.

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