Monday 2 May 2011


I am very much my father's daughter as I inherited his great love for photography.  It is because of my late father that I started learning to take photographs at a very young age.  Likewise, my love for plants is also inherited from my parents.  Both my mum and dad love to be surrounded by greenery and enjoy buying plants as well as growing them.  I can't say that I love gardening like them but I do love plants and have a need to be surrounded by lots and lots of greenery.  Perhaps, that is why I love wearing the colour green so much.
To me plants are living entities and I believe that fairies do live among them.  In Malaysia, we might not have fairies but instead the beings who are guardians of the forests and plants are known as Penunggu or Keepers/Guardians.  Some plants also have spirits dwelling in them as well.  That is why it is unwise to simply pluck leaves or flowers from plants growing wild in the jungle as we might be bringing back home more than just what we plucked. 
I am pictured with some new plants that I bought for the school herb garden as well as my own porch. As I have mentioned before, I have this great need to be surrounded by plants as they sustain and feed me.  It is from them that I gain my strength and get my inner calm. 
Believe me, when I say that only my inner circle of friends would understand and know why I have this great need to be surrounded by plants.  If you look again at all the pictures I have taken next to plants, you'd notice that I look much younger and more beautiful.  You can click the pictures to get a larger view to see for yourself. That my friend is the energy and power I manage to absorb from my friends from the plant world.

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