Thursday 13 January 2011


 Now there is one more place for me and my friends to go shopping in Manjung, the new TESCO hypermart which opened for business yesterday.  Quite a number of my friends went to check the place out yesterday but I only went today with Kamariah and her daughter, Hani.
 Hani and me with the Lucky Bamboo plants which are being sold for the Chinese New Year.
 Khairah and her family were also at the hypermarket.  They were shopping for clothes there.  This is their second visit.  In this picture, you see Khairah, her daughter Ina and me.
 After making our purchases, it was time to leave but then the escalator broke down.
 See the big jam leading to the stalled escalator.  We had to take the lift instead.

 Outer facade of the hypermarket
Everyone was curious about the new hypermarket and there was a big jam when we wanted to leave the place.  It took us some time to exit the place.

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