Sunday 17 October 2010


 As promised, here are more pictures I took during my visit to the 9 Emperor Gods Temple at Ayer Tawar.  It was on the ninth day and most of the main events had already taken place.  The fire walking ceremony was held at 9 p.m. on the last day.
 The inner sanctum of for the 9 Emperor Gods.  Only a select few can enter.
 The gong and drum set at the temple.  Each time a contribution is made, the drum and gong will be sounded.
 The strips of papers have the names of worshippers who wish to light lamps as offerings to the dieties.  It is believed that the lighting of oil lamps will help to raise the luck of the worshippers.
 One of two towers at the temple.
 The majestic Door Gods guarding the entrance to the temple.
 Offerings for the Heavenly Tortoise.
 The altar for Na Cha, the child deity.
 Two devotees offering prayers to the deities at the temple.
 Birds are in the bag with holes in it.  The birds will be released as goodwill by the people who brought them to the temple.
 The sedan chair used to ferry the idol of the deity during the annual procession of deities.
 The stage for performances directly faces the temple.  The performers entertain the deities as well as the worshippers who have come to offer prayers.
 Me overwhelmed by the smoke from the incense.  The whole place is smoky from the incense smoke.
Yellow dragon candles used as offering to the deities.  Note that the colour yellow is used for offerings for the 9 Emperor Gods.

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