Saturday 16 October 2010


On the ninth and last day of the 9 Emperor Gods Festival, I made time to visit the Tow Mou Kong temple in Ayer Tawar.  When I reached there at around 11.00 p.m., there weren't many people which was a blessing in diguise as I need not have to endure the sting of the smoke from the joss-sticks of the many devotees. 
Here is the front view of the temple in Ayer Tawar.

The inside of the temple

Tortoise shaped buns on sale at the temple.

Offering of apples for the deities.

One of the volunteers at the temple, helping to bless the cloth and paper talisman for me to keep in my  house and car as protection.

The palanquin used during the Nine Emperor Gods parade.  This year the parade was held on the 3rd day of the festival.
The temple helper will either beat the drum or sound the gong after someone has made a contribution to the temple fund.
**  There are more photos that I took this morning and I will post them tomorrow.  I am very tired and sleepy now.  I spent the whole afternoon sitting for two papers for the PTK examination for teachers.

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