Friday 29 October 2010


The Gandarusa plant in the Herb Garden of my school was uprooted by someone.  I guess he or she thought that it was a wild plant and so decided to remove it.  Little did he/she know that this is a special herb I keep in the garden for two purposes, one as a herb and the other as a protection against evil spirits. 
The roots of the plants can be used to treat  arthritis, yellow fever, rheumatism, cough, boils, constipation and diarrhoea.  The leaves are used to treat boils, skin problems, arthritis, backaches, fracture and asthma.  The whole plant when boiled can be used to treat swellings, paralysis of the face, headaches, phlegm and others.
The village folks use the Gandarusa as protection against spirits.  The branches of the gandarusa with black twigs is usually brought along into the jungle as protection against disturbance from spirits.  The leaves are also placed under the pillow when one sleeps to ward off evil beings.  Having the plant in the garden would serve as protection from spirits.
I managed to buy another Gandarusa plant from the Farmer's Market and my students helped me to plant it in the Herb Garden.  By the way, I have a pot of Gandarusa plant in front of my house as well.

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