Friday 29 October 2010


This evening, the Form 4 librarians, Puan Asiah and I were busy sprucing up the Herb Garden because we are expecting visitors from another school tomorrow afternoon.  The weeds were pulled out and the rubbish cleared.  Lastly, the plants were given a good watering.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that clutter effects ones health and general wellbeing.  Clutter in the home and workplace drains ones energy.  Therefore, one should always make sure that the home and workplace are clutter free.  This also includes the garden and the porch area.  A neat and clean garden would add to the energy of the place.  Besides, my students benefitted from the exercise and fresh of the garden.  Of course, they felt energised after working in garden.  Now, that is what Feng Shui is about.

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